
Fund News

Fund for Protection of Lake Baikal Participates in EBC Ecology and Healthcare Working Committee Meeting


Representatives of the Fund for Protection of Lake Baikal participated in a scientific conference and a lesson conducted by the Ecology Committee of the European Business Congress in Berlin on October 27-28, 2011. The scientific conference (Ecology and Healthcare Working Committee Meeting) was dedicated to ecological and social responsibility of management of natural resources, and environmentally friendly use of various energy sources.

The educational part of EBC included an ecology lesson at the Leo Tolstoy European School, where a number of subjects are taught in Russian.

The students and teachers of the school watched the film To the Depth of Baikal, presented by the Fund for Protection of Lake Baikal, and learned from a report about the results of Mirs at Baikal Expedition. The school will include the film To the Depth of Baikal in its curriculum on experimental basis.