
Fund News

Ecologist Alexandra Solovyova to present the Khakusy eco-project in Interregional youth camp Baikal 2020


More than 1,200 people from 34 Russian constituent entities and from abroad will convene in Bolshoye Goloustnoye village, the Irkutsk Region, where Baikal-2020 youth camp will work on August 5-11, 2011. The participants in the event will be able to present their projects and to discuss them with experts.

Alexandra Solovyova, a young ecologist, a student of Irkutsk State University, will present the Khakusy eco-project. Her vigorous activity in the work of the first shift of the Khakusy eco-camp, leadership skills will allow to present the results of the eco-project to a few hundreds of participants of the event adequately. The camp’s program consists of seven sections: policy, advertising and PR, volunteering, business and career, tourism, creative work and innovations. Alexandra plans to take part in two sections, dedicated to volunteering and tourism.

The interregional youth camp Baikal-2020 has been held in the Irkutsk Region since 2007 for creation of an effective mechanism of attraction of young citizens to the social and political, social and economic and cultural life of regions of the Russian Federation helping realization of the concept of long-term social and economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020. Representatives of the Skolkovo Foundation and Bortnik Foundation will participate in the work of the camp as experts. The participant will be able to come to know something new, to strengthen their leadership skills and to take an opportunity of personal communication with the leaders of the country and the region.

The Fund for Protection of Lake Baikal sees attraction of wide press coverage of the results of the ecological activity at the Lake Baikal, drawing attention to the environmental problems and searching for like-minded individuals as its topical task.