
Fund News

Boris Danilov, FPLB Director, Arrives at Khakusy Ecocamp


Campers of the Khakusy ecocamp find new routes and put them on the map every day. Campers made two teams, each working on their own route. A motor boat transported them to the Ayaya bay where they reached Frolikha Lake along the ecopath (six kilometers). Students and teachers from Irkutsk got back to the camp by motor boat, and campers from Ulan Ude walked back to the camp across the forest and along the shore (20 km). At the camp they were greeted by Mr Danilov, Director of the Fund for Protection of Lake Baikal, who brought special gifts and T-shirts with the Fund logo for campers, asked about their experiences and told them about the Fund's activities. Hospitable campers served to Mr Danilov fish, shared their research and sports accomplishments. Campers took the third prize in the resort volleyball competition.

Campers sitting around the fire listening to the sounds of guitar decided that they would like to write a hymn for the Khakusy camp which came as a pleasant surprise to their teachers. The Director of the Fund for Protection of Lake Baikal expressed his gratitude to campers for their hard work and was pleased that the FPLB's efforts in developing the project paid off.