
Fund News

Mr Danilov, Director of FPLB, about his Visit to the Khakusy Ecocamp


As was reported earlier, Mr Boris Danilov, Director of the Fund for Protection of Lake Baikal, paid a short work visit to the Khakusy ecocamp to share his management experience with the campers.

"The goal of my visit was effective personal communication with potential future organizers of the ecological volunteer movement at Baikal. Based on my personal experience I outlined the basic principles of personality development which is so important for the young generation”, said Mr Danilov. “Today a lot depends on personal qualities, moral principles of fairness, mutual help, initiative and ambition. Development of leadership qualities requires certain conditions which we strived to create at the ecocamp. Most importantly you should maintain a positive attitude, believe in yourself and strive to achieve your goals which results in big accomplishments”. Mr Danilov also spoke of the plans for development of larger ecological projects at Baikal in the next season.